At Avant Electronics, customer satisfaction is our highest priority. We work hard to maintain these high standards and only deliver electronics that are of the best quality and that have been sustainably sourced.

View our Certificates and Policies below for more information.

Avant Electronics Environmental PolicyAvant ElectronicsAvant Electronics Counterfeit Elimination PolicyAvant Electronics REACh Compliance Statement
Environmental PolicyConflict Minerals PolicyCounterfeit Elimination PolicyREACh Compliance Statement
Avant Electronics RoHS Compliance StatementAvant Electronics Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human TraffickingAvant Electronics Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human TraffickingAvant Electronics Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
RoHS Compliance StatementStatement Against Modern Slavery and Human TraffickingQuality PolicyCounterfeit Detection & Mitigation Policy
Avant Electronics Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Avant Electronics Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Standard Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us and we’ll help you with the information you require.